Pop star Lilly Allen has urged potential dog owners to consider adopting a dog rather than contribute to the puppies for profit trade.
Speaking on her blog site, the singer said:
I’m getting a dog from Battersea dogs home , i found her on the weekend , and after a visit from a rehoming officer hopefully, i’ll have her by next week . She’s called Honey and she’s quite fat (insert dogs like their owners joke here) , but very sweet , she’s a mongrel .
There were so many Stafforshire Bullies there it was so sad . People should really think about getting puppies from breeders or breeding them for that matter , if you saw all those poor dogs without a home with their sad little faces , you wouldn’t even think about buying dogs from people who profit.
If, like Lilly, you are interested in rehoming a dog, just take a look at some of the amazing canines waiting for new homes…
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