We would really appreciate it if you could help us spread the message about the positive benefits of adopting a dog.
There are a few ways you can help us spread a positive dog adoption message
You can help us by simply by sharing our articles, videos and #nationaldogadoptionday graphics on your social media.
You can sign up to receive our dogs available for adoption email updates. Even if you are not personally looking to adopt a dog, you might know somebody who is. By signing up to receive our dogs for adoption emails (courtesy of dogsblog.com), you can help us to share these dogs far and wide.
You can send us photos of your own rescue dogs at our Twitter account.
Or share your dog photos with the #nationaldogadoptionday tag on Instagram.
Our official image this year is:
…coming soon!
Feel free to download, share, re-publish our National Dog Adoption Day graphics. You have full permission to post the images on your website, on your social media accounts or anywhere you think they will make a difference.
Remember, National Dog Adoption day has just ONE aim – to promote the positive benefits of adopting a dog. What better way to do that than by sharing the amazing, happy stories of dogs who have changed the lives of the people who adopted them!