Examples Of National Dog Adoption Month Local Press Coverage

During National Dog Adoption Month, we offered support for our rescue partners to help publicise the concept and benefits of adopting a dog alongside raising the profile of dog/s in their care looking for new homes locally. Our commercial partner kindly offered a behavioural helpline as support for new dog owners or those suffering with separation anxiety which was combined within the coverage.

Below are a few examples of coverage achieved for our rescue partners.

1) The Macclesfield Times offered front page coverage to National Dog Adoption Month and Jasmine and Tye, in the care of rescue partner, RSPCA Macclesfield SE Cheshire and Buxton.http://www.imagepuppy.com/resized/0f62b61e3ad79c6ef03b7ae5d19121c7.jpg

2) Barnsley Chronicle were pleased to help raise awareness to the concept of dog adoption by publicising Paddy on behalf of DogsBlog.com and Royston Animal Welfare.


3) Leicester Animal Aid’s two dogs Boss and Snoop received coverage in the Leicester Mercury who were keen to publicise the concept of dog adoption and responsible dog ownership.


4) The Chronicle Extra in the North East offered coverage to National Dog Adoption Month and rescue partners, Greyhounds Galore and Save Our Strays.


5) The Kent Messenger offered weekly coverage to RSPCA Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells as part of their drive during National Dog Adoption Month featuring ‘a dog a week’.


Want To See More?

To request further examples of radio and broadcast coverage, please see our online media centre: http://www.dogadoptionmonth.co.uk/category/media-centre/

For further examples of national and local press coverage, please contact Kim Bruce – 08700 114 115 or email kim@k9media.net.

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